Life these filled with preschool for Noah and times in the morning between The Mommy and Rhys and of course, work for Daddy and a new garden (see 1st photo above).
I am 4 years old and two months and I still go to my preschool - Community Montessori. I do work there, though sometimes I just want to play. The teachers tell me I can't play in class so the cylinder blocks are no longer buses with people on them but cylinder blocks with different sized cylinders. I still see my friends - Josh and Rafael. We just had our last library trip for the year. That made me a little sad. No more borrowing library books.
Daddy still picks me up some days and Mommy picks me up other days. I still like riding the bus. Lately, I've had Mommy have us take the SKIP bus to the special 208 bus that goes to Daddy's job. I like the 208. When we're on it, we go past the men who work on the streets and we see the bulldozers and the diggers and the excavators. We also go past the Rec center where I used to go swimming.
I have my church school too, and there I get to play and sing songs and say scriptures like "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son". I told that to Daddy and Mommy and they were so proud of me. It made them happy.
I like buses, airplanes, trains, my new railroad, my airport and my box that has the picture of the huge railroad set on it. I stare at the box everyday and I like looking at with Daddy. Hopefully we can get more pieces to add to the railroad set that I have. Yeah!
I don't like rice, chicken sometimes, pickles, onions, crusts on bread, spicy food, chinese food, Rhys when he takes my trains, mean voices and when people tell me things that I don't want to hear. That gets me upset. And I 'specially don't like time-outs! The ones in my room -
My turn! I am 22 months old though everyone thinks I look 2 years old. I'm a little big for my age. I walk, I run, I jump! I like to bang things still with the green Oregon bat. I bang everything - even Noah's head. I love to sit on Noah, too and fall all over him. Sometimes I grab him around his legs and try to take him down to the floor. Sometimes he likes it and sometimes he doesn't. I like it all the time.
I like Thomas the train engine -- I know what he and all his friends look like and I say all their names: Percy, Hungry (translation: Henry), Gordon, Toby, Yames (translation: James), E'ward (Edward). I really like seeing them on TV. I also really like Dora the Explorer and Melmo (Elmo). I get to see Melmo on TV when we watch Sesame Street.
I say more things like "Bless you, Mommy" when The Mommy sneezes or "What's this?" or "Daddy, how're you?". The way I sound the words is getting clearer. People are beginning to understand me. Finally!
I still eat everything. Food is good. I love my milk. I can drink that all day. Oh yes! And I still wake up in the middle of night wanting milk.
And I still want up in The Mommy's lap with my bottle of milk. I just cuddle there and watch T.V. It doesn't matter if she's on the couch or on the computer. It's what I do.
Noah: It's how you roll.
Rhys: You know it.
Well, we're pretty much done so we're rolling out of here.
The photos: 1. Digging Our New Garden, 2. Noah Singing at Preschool at a Special Recital